Investment Planning for Your Business

Financial planning for businessesInvestment Planning For Your BUsiness.

Servus Capital Management (SCM) is dedicated to helping your business achieve its financial goals. We believe that successful businesses help strengthen our community and empower American families to achieve their goals. Our goal is to help you flourish.

What we do:

1. Cash Management For Business

At Servus, we work with your CFO to determine the best investment vehicles to achieve your organization’s goals. As an RIA, we have the flexibility to work with most custodians, including banks and broker dealers, to comply with your corporate investment policies and needs.

2. Corporate Retirement Plans

Is it time for your organization to develop and implement a retirement plan? Servus helps businesses save time and navigate fiduciary responsibilities while protecting both your company, and your corporate retirement plan participants.

3. Investment Management

Based on your company’s goals, risk preferences, and the most appropriate investment vehicles for your organization, we prepare an investment plan that is the perfect fit for your company. Our data-driven tactical approach to portfolio management allows us to examine the current economic climate and analyze which available asset classes are the most suitable.

Stop Paying More for your 401(k) plan.

Servus customers save 10 – 50% on corporate retirement plans.

What would that mean for your team?